So we got our transfer calls this week and we were completely shocked...Steere Shimai and I are staying together in Kawachi! Last P-day we took it slow and went out for sushi, haven't done that in a while, yummm! In the evening we had FHE with the Nakamura's with a takoyaki party! (Battered octopus in a little ball?) and a LA young woman brought her friend from school and we practiced English with them! Super fun and so proud of her for DENDOING!
They look cute, I look crazy...
Tuesday we met with some super awesome members who are now going to be taking charge on inviting helping their friends (our investigators!) come to church- member missionary work people! Uplifted by another sweet member, then new people came to Eikaiwa! 2 cute college girls and then...2 guys we met at a conbini. So story there...we invite everyone to come unto Christ right? Even 2 loud construction worker grandpas that tried to speak English with us at a convenience store a few weeks ago. We gave them Eikaiwa flyers (which we basically do with everyone) but these guys actually came! They came right at the end and joined in our picture (Sepos Choro leaving) and were VERY drunk and super loud...I think maybe my favorite part was at the end when our cute Ward mission leader says as they are leaving, "Please come again!" He's so nice.
Wednesday normal appts and finding, and then we ran into a Phillipino investigator we haven't seen for 2 weeks at a bread shop! After game night we both received blessings from the elders. Priesthood power is real and God really is our loving Heavenly Father. Plus after we went over to a kind of less active couple and they want us to teach their grandson (not a member) English!
Thursday was so much fun- super awesome LA sister took us to her work for a little service- she works at a day service center for old people and we just had fun together.
Then ended the night with an appt with our new bishop and his family- so funny! They are retry much the funniest people ever. Oh and for family- pass this on! Seiko Shino Shimai is kind of the Japanese version of Sister Fellows, love her lots!
Friday we did a kubari (flyer handout) in the morning and then again in the evening with the elders and KATAYAMA KYOUDAI- greatest dendoshunin (Ward mission leader) you could ask for! In the morning we went to an Eki by a big high school and college, so lots of students, and one was on crutches, so suddenly we see Katayama Jyoudai go running... 70something years old, grabs his car and comes back and gives the crutches girl a ride to school. So sweet. Lots of Japanese members have a hard time sharing the gospel because they are generally very reserved, but he just has no fear! Later we had lesson with investigator family about the Spirit and they seemed to really understand and accept, then the daughter said her first prayer...she was pretty scared but did it! Last, we went to night seminary, but student ended up not being able to come, so we did a Mogi and received dendo advice from Mana Chan, who got back from Tokyo about a year ago.
Saturday met tons of cool people on trains, then visited some referrals with our awesome Katayama Kyoudai - another good quality, he doesn't get discouraged. They gave a referral last week and today we checked up again, but they don't actually have interest, but he just kept happily moving forward and has us stop by another one of his neighbors.
In the evening we had that English lesson with the member's grandson. Let me tell you what a miracle this is- the last transfer the RS Pres notified us that she was worried about this member and wanted us to visit sometimes, etc. Well they've been pretty busy and it's been hard, but now because of the grandson (non member) we'll be regularly visiting to do English and a little gospel lesson! Seriously an amazing opportunity, not only do we have the chance to strengthen some members, we now have the opportunity to convert their daughter and her family! This would be a good Liahona story :) Thanks to our RS president receiving and following revelation. Listen and follow the promptings you receive!
Sunday I was the last person, but still got to bear testimony! It's been a goal of mine to testify every month ever since I heard a member talk about how much she loved hearing missionary testimonies and how uplifting it is. I'm only a full-time missionary for a little bit...this week I hit 1 YEAR! In the evening we had dinner with some members and their friend, who we were able to teach the Restoration, like the whole Restoration, because she has a bit of a Christian background. It was really special, and we especially appreciated at the end when Arimoto Shimai pointed out the warm feeling in the room, aka Holy Ghost. Very special.
So blessed to be a missionary now. It's Steere Shimai's last transfer (as much as she doesn't want to say it) and the plan to go hard, just do all we can and show lots of faith so we can see lots of miracles. With the great members here, great things are happening. The gospel is restored and now we get to share with EVERYONE, the entire world. I'm in Japan teaching Phillipinos and add in Brazillians, our African guy, the elders are teaching a golden from Turkey...the gospel is going to all the world. It's true, it's all true- Joseph Smith saw what he said he saw and if you know it, want to know it, love it, then strengthen that testimony, share that testimony!
I love you so much! Gotta go
Wagstaff 姉妹
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