I'm off to serve an LDS mission in Kobe, Japan from June 2015 to December 2016. My mom will be keeping this blog updated with my latest letters, photos, adventures, etc.! Also I would LOVE to hear from everyone - katya.wagstaff@myldsmail.net

Monday, April 18, 2016

April 18, 2016

Earthquake in Japan--Haha, didn't feel a thing! We didn't hear about it until after and then we were kind of sad we didn't feel anything (obviously didn't want a disaster, but a little shake would've been fun)

Having trouble remembering this week, so this will be a jumble! Totally didn't feel the earthquake, heard about it later from people, but literally had no idea. From Monday night to Wednesday morning we exchanged with the Sakai sisters and I was with Sister Miller (ps family- this is the sister Miller that knows Bro Hayes, Lehi bball) She is motivated and works really hard and we had a great day! Plans fell through, we were on back up plans but just rolled with it. One thing we did was go to this ginormous park to go finding. I wish I had pictures, but they have
these giant slides on a hill, so we went on those with these kids that were all trying to impress us- they weren't scared, etc. Then we went to meet their moms, invite to Eikaiwa and talk about what we're doing here.

Then Tuesday night was Eikaiwa, which has really been improving here! We've been having new people come every week and should be getting some new investigators from that.

Wednesday morning was interviews with Welch Kaicho in Sakai! On a sidenote, I would love to go back to Sakai, 6 weeks wasn't long enough! Interviews were great, then we came back to a RS sewing activity- we made scrunchies, then ate lunch together! I was so lost-no clue about all the sewing words they were using, always humbled by the language!

 One little miracle because of the Atonement- there were a couple days where I just had no energy, felt like I just needed more sleep, too much to do to take a break during lunch, so we just went anyways and I always had just enough energy- especially when we were teaching.

Another little miracle - we visited a potential investigator again, the husband came out and we were able to explain our message about family, etc and he kekko'd because his family is Shinto BUT He was really nice, likes English and actually listened at the beginning instead of immediately rejecting. !! So he's a no for now, but for how nice he is, I think missionaries will definitely find him again and he'll probably be ready.

Another thing from this week- we ate WAY too much food.

Friday was district meeting! Great meeting- one thing I liked was using Sister Oscarson's talk, we talked about knowing vs believing.

Also Suzuki Kyoudai just got back from his mission in Sapporo and works with us sooo well!

After, we went out to Indo Curry- too much food, but it's just so good!

Next we weeded with a member and then she fed us...kind of tried to get out of it but she wouldn't let us.

Then we went to another member's for dinner, she's an amazing cook, and I ate pretty well, really more chew and swallow than taste :). Also funny stuff- before dinner we did some finding in her neighborhood and a few kids followed us for a while and one little kid kept yelling the alphabet at us...cool kid, should've taken a video. But that's not the best part- dinner wasn't just a normal one, we finally met her friend who she referred to us a few weeks ago! She really wants to share the gospel with this friend and she's good at it! Little by little, but she can really progress!

Saturday we had our lake service project!  It's service, but seriously feels like P-Day a little bit because it's a beautiful place!

Saturday was a miracle day! We were really motivated from District Meeting- I really felt a greater sense of commitment, I don't know how to explain, just that I wanted to work harder, felt like I could do a little bit more. Visited a former investigator, we've tried a lot before, but today she was home! She was so grateful we came and things look good- she needs this gospel and wants to meet again! Next we biked to another part of the area (only not miracle part of the day was my sunburn) and went to lunch with the Fillipina that found us last week! WOW. She's ready! She needs it! I want to see her and her cute daughters baptized!

The day is still good- MIRACLES NEVER CEASE. Went looking for a LA- she moved and no one knows exactly which apartment- we searched the building they thought, nothing, went to visit somebody else, not home, decided to come back and try again, found it! Super nice neighbors helped us- LA wasn't home, but now we know where she lives! Next was a Brazillian less active who made us dinner...I. Love. Their. Meat. Amen. Also met the bishop and his wife- super good at dendo and we were all uplifted and will be praying together specifically for some people they know this week!

Sunday a new couple moved into the Ward, basically everybody already knew- young couple from BYU Hawaii- He's Japanese, she's from Taiwan and doesn't speak Japanese- Chinese and English. She's super cute and I translated for her during RS. first time officially translating- scary stuff! But guess what? Kind of an answer to prayer because at the beginning of the transfer one of my language vision/goals was to be able to translate...now it's the end of the transfer! 

It's been exciting to see all the progress here for 2 transfers and we think we're both staying for another (hopefully!) but we'll see what happens this week. There are people being prepared. The best way to find them is through members- as members of the church, we are a light! Light is no good if it doesn't shine, so this week, please shine! Pray for opportunities to share- that's been a big part of our success this week- praying specifically for that success. 

Something we've been trying to convey to members here is that we appreciate prayers for the missionaries, really we do, but the next step we'd like is that everyone prays for personal opportunities, no matter how big or small. Itadakemasuka? :)

Other cool news we found out his week- Elder Stevenson of the 12 is coming to Kobe next transfer May 22nd and the whole mission is going to Kobe! A couple cool things- meet an apostle, see everyone in the mission! Plus Elder Choi (really cool Korean from the Area Presdiency) is coming with him and will probs follow up on our progress towards the challenge he gave us to baptize weekly!

Can't believe the transfer is almost over, but looking back, I'm proud of what we've been able to accomplish- we have investigators and good potential, that's new and we get along really well now. Just a lot of good things have happened.

Also even though it's gotten really warm, after my one sunburn day (it was bad) I'm trying to wear long sleeves. One for my own protection and also mainly so others (members) don't freak out. I got a lot of concern in Imabari that came with weird creams :) Love them, appreciate it, but I  don't want them to stress, we have aloe in the
apartment, and both of us were pretty red!

Lots of biking, pretty tired, but it's really cool to see how slowly stamina increases and we're always able to do what we need to do.

Wagstaff 姉妹

Sayama lake with the funny rubber ducks. Plus Steere Shimai and I got to wear our matching duck shirts to the service project!

We try and fail with these pictures so many times.

Lunch with RS on Wednesday- always good food!

So I look like a giant, should've leaned down like Steere Shimai. Person closest to me is Soga Shimai, a member. The other 3 are the Osumi's. High hopes for them! So cool thing- she saw us and had met elders before a while ago. We have this lunch and bring Soga Shimai since she's also Fillipino and they already knew each other a little from before! Seems like all the Filipinos are friends.

So I look like a giant, should've leaned down like Steere Shimai. Person closest to me is Soga Shimai, a member. The other 3 are the Osumi's. High hopes for them! So cool thing- she saw us and had met elders before a while ago. We have this lunch and bring Soga Shimai since she's also Fillipino and they already knew each other a little from before! Seems like all the Filipinos are friends.

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